Practical Aspects in the Managementof Recurrent Pleural Effusions
A Virtual Training Program
March 31, 2021 4:00 pm (PDT)

This virtual training course is designed for pulmonologists and chest surgeons interested in the care of patients with recurrent pleural effusions.

The objective of the course is to review pertinent pleural physiology, the appropriate diagnostic work-up and the available options for minimally invasive therapeutic interventions in pleural diseases.

At the conclusion of this course, participants will have a good understanding of the diagnostic work-up of pleural effusions, and the indications, contraindications and patient selection process for various therapeutic options including tunneled indwelling catheter placement and pleurodesis.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the pathophysiology of malignant pleural disease
  • Describe the appropriate work up of an undiagnosed pleural effusion
  • List the therapeutic options for the management of recurrent symptomatic pleural effusions
  • Recount the components of a successful comprehensive pleural effusion management program


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